Monday, January 23, 2017

Week 171: Right Place- Right Time- Right Stuff

                   Right Place—Right Time—Right Stuff

• Perfect configuration. . .
• Perfect alignment. . .
• Perfect formation. . .
          Being in the right place, at the right time, with the right stuff—what more can one ask for?  The problem, however, comes when trying to figure out: Where is the right place, when is the right time, and what is the right stuff? Hmmm!

          It’s good to know that we don’t have to guess our way through life hoping and wishing. Why wander around with blindfolds on when the Holy Spirit will direct our path? (Proverbs 2:5-6) In Isaiah 48:17-18, God tells us that He is our Lord who teaches us what is best and will direct the way which we should go.  
                                 God has information that we are not privy to.
            But, the Holy Spirit isn’t going to do all the work. We have a responsibility to be obedient to Him, read His Word, and learn His ways. Following God guidance, will  position us to receive His blessings. For example, let’s say God puts a desire in our hearts to: get our finances in order, or to start a certain project, or to mend a relationship. Promptings like these could be Him telling us to get our business, or “stuff” together because an opportunity is coming our way; but in order to receive it, certain things must be in place. When we sense the Holy Spirit’s directions, or even think He’s directing us, we have to step out on faith, and prayerfully do it—according to His timetable. 

While we are doing our part getting prepared, God is doing His part setting things up: opening the right doors, positioning the right people, making the proper arrangements, and causing appropriate circumstances to work in our favor. Then by faith, God will guide us to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right stuff.
                                                 A winning combination!      

© 2016                    See you next week on Paulette Talks Faith
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