Thin Ice
Lord preserveth the faithful, and
plentifully rewardeth the proud doer. Psalm 31:23
•Walking on
eggshells. . .
•Walking a
tightrope. . .
•Walking on the
edge. . .
The wickedness of this world is
boastfully pouncing on thin ice. Evil
is taking bold daring moves against the principles of God. However, those of us
in Christ know that just because iniquity appears to be on a happy-go-lucky
unchallenged path, doesn’t mean everything is fine-and-dandy.
cracking, snap-snap, cracking!
enemy wants us to believe that the ground we’re walking on will sustain the
weight of all the immorality and corruptness set upon it. After all, times have
changed. The world can write its own ticket. Express itself by doing its own “thang.”
And, if by chance the ice should give way, this is one time the devil doesn’t
want anyone to worry. He has everything under controlled—so he says.
Cracking, cracking, snap-snap, cracking!
is smart enough to fix anything. If the ice gets too thin, he can manufacture
some artificial break-proof ice—Tadaaahhh!
Problem solved, no more cracking ice. Go back to what you were doing.
cracking, snap-snap, cracking!
Sorry, but that is not
going to stop this ice from rupturing. God
will not be mocked. (Galatians 6:7) He will not be dishonored, disrespected, or
dismissed. The reasons why we haven’t been consumed long ago is because of His
love, mercy, and forgiving nature.
Shhh! Listen! Use your faith ears—
cracking, snap-snap, cracking!
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