Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 93: On Thin Ice

                                          On Thin Ice
           …The Lord preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer. Psalm 31:23

•Walking on eggshells. . .
•Walking a tightrope. . .
•Walking on the edge. . .

            The wickedness of this world is boastfully pouncing on thin ice. Evil is taking bold daring moves against the principles of God. However, those of us in Christ know that just because iniquity appears to be on a happy-go-lucky unchallenged path, doesn’t mean everything is fine-and-dandy.
                                                                                            Cracking, cracking, snap-snap, cracking! 

The enemy wants us to believe that the ground we’re walking on will sustain the weight of all the immorality and corruptness set upon it. After all, times have changed. The world can write its own ticket. Express itself by doing its own “thang.” And, if by chance the ice should give way, this is one time the devil doesn’t want anyone to worry. He has everything under controlled—so he says.     

                                                                          Cracking, cracking, snap-snap, cracking!     
                   Man is smart enough to fix anything. If the ice gets too thin, he can manufacture some artificial break-proof ice—Tadaaahhh! Problem solved, no more cracking ice. Go back to what you were doing.

                                                  Cracking, cracking, snap-snap, cracking!

 Sorry, but that is not going to stop this ice from rupturing. God will not be mocked. (Galatians 6:7) He will not be dishonored, disrespected, or dismissed. The reasons why we haven’t been consumed long ago is because of His love, mercy, and forgiving nature.
                           Shhh! Listen! Use your faith ears—  
             Cracking, cracking, snap-snap, cracking!
© 2015               See You Next Week on Paulette Talks Faith          

Monday, July 20, 2015

Week 92: In God We Trust

                                             In God We Trust              
                                                               Have faith in God. Mark 11:22
• Trust Him. . .
• Believe Him. . .
• Have faith in Him!
Do you trust God? I’m sure you answered that question with a definite—Yes! And, if asked do you trust the devil? You would answer with an definite—No!

Nevertheless, many times our actions say something totally different.

As a matter of fact, if we look at our actions—how we respond to situations and circumstances, the reverse would seem true in many cases. We doubt what God says, and we believe what the devil says; not intellectually of course, but in actuality. 

How is this possible? How can this despicable, lying fiend steal our trust in God? What does he know about us that makes him feel we will drop our faith, and believe his illegal suggestions?

He works on our humanism. His deceptive devices work very well on our senses—what we can see, feel, hear, taste, and touch. However with God, we have to depend more on our inner spirit. This will put a demand on our spiritual consciousness to rise to a much higher level of awareness. When we allow our fleshy senses to rule us, it opens the door wide for manipulation.

Here’s a trusting God example hot off the press. Right before I posted this blog, the enemy started making me doubt that this writing was from God. That’s when God reminded me of the title: In God We Trust. He has a habit of making me live what I write. Therefore, I trust this is from Him.

                       In God We TrustRequires Trust!

© 2015        
                                     See You Next Week on Paulette Talks Faith          

Monday, July 13, 2015

Week 91: High-Priced Residences

                                High-Priced Residences
                                           Now the just shall live by faithHebrews 10:38

• Costly. . .
• Pricy. . .
• Expensive. . .  

The Secret Place is nondiscriminatory. All are welcomed. However, not everyone is willing to pay the high-price of—die to self. I don’t know why not, it’s well worth the sacrifices. All of God’s promises in Psalm 91 can be found in the Secret Place.  
    Who wouldn’t want God to defend and protect them in trouble? The devil has constructed a vile wicked plan against each of us. He wants us terrorized as his agenda unfolds. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t worry about it. Faith in the promises of God is our safe haven. Just those promises right there are worth the high price. But, there’s still more.

We are covered with God’s feathers and placed under His wings when we abide in the Secret Place. No foe can come up against that kind of POWER. (vs:1 AMP) The enemy can’t just come in and drag us out. We have to voluntarily leave. Why would anybody do that? Good question!

Another amenity is that a thousand might go down, but not the residents in this Blessed Place. All we have to do is keep our faith in God, and we’ll only be an onlooker. We don’t have to live in fear because God will oversee our path. No curse will come near our dwellings. God has given His angels charge over us if we pay the price of obedience.

On the other hand, have you checked out the other high-priced residence? I heard when you live there you can pretty much do whatever you want. You don’t have to die to self. As a matter of fact, wild scandalous living is encouraged.
                   Price Tag: Damnation— Payment due upon death!                                   

© 2015                    See You Next Week on Paulette Talks Faith