Monday, January 4, 2016

Week 116: What's Really Cooking?

                                  What’s Really Cooking? 
                                         Now the just shall live by faith. . . Hebrews 10:38
• Mouthwatering . . .
• Scrumptious. . .
• Lip-smacking. . . 

         While the world has its eyes on terrorism, and rightly so, I see another threat that isn’t getting the attention that it should. I am OUTRAGED about all the toxins in our food. Not everything that looks good, smells good, and taste good is fit for human consumption.
  Are we being terrorized every time someone genetically modifies our food? 

The human body is remarkable. It can successfully digest almost anything. However, it CANNOT handle all these complex chemicals that man has put into our food. Our body parts give out before we are finished using them because they are overtaxed. Is there a correlation between what we eat and all the diseases that we are suddenly plagued with? 
                                               I think so!
You can’t watch television, especially during mid-day, without being bombarded with all these illnesses. People talk about these maladies as if they are normal. Well, they are not! I’m not saying that every disease is linked to food, but I am saying that food is a major culprit to why so many people are sick.

Why don’t we hear more about this? Well, think about all the money that is generated from these disorders. Do I need to say anymore? It’s literally sickening! I think it’s a waste to put all the money into finding “cures,” and not put a stop to: artificial—chemically modified—fake foods.      

          You need an advance degree in chemical engineering
                      just to know what’s in a piece of candy.  

Food should be grown in good soil—on farms, not made from a series of complicated formulas, conjured up in test tubes manufactured in some toxic production plant.
                         The human body is not a petri dish.
What does all of this have to do with faith? Everything! We better say a sincere, heartfelt prayer before we put anything in our mouths that has been tampered with by man.
  Hmmm! I wonder what’s “really” cooking in the oven. 
                         Oh, by the way—Happy New Year!

© 2016                         See you next week on Paulette Talks Faith

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