Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 173: Strategically Placed

                               Strategically Placed
                                                       Have faith in God. Mark 11:22
• Positioned. . .
• Located. . .
Situated. . .
God has His people strategically placed all over the world. I remember when I first started working in a particular school I asked God to show me who the Christians were. Not long after, He connected me to a group of ladies who were truly devoted to serving Him. They ended up being the first prayer group that I was a part of. Did God strategically place me there for them, or were they strategically placed for me? I think we were placed there for each other.    
I’ve heard stories about people who were stranded on the side of a road ending up being rescued by a stranger. Did the stranger need them, or did they need the stranger? And, stories about people who were rushed to the emergency room only to find out their emergency was just an excuse to get them there, because God wanted them to minister to a patient.
                  Wild goose chase or strategically placed? Hmmm!

     God has people strategically placed even when the circumstances are not obvious. He has people walking down the street, waiting at a bus stop, or standing in a grocery store line impacting someone’s life without them or anyone else ever knowing about it.    

    Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2 NIV)

 Humans are not the only ones strategically placed, but so are angels. They may not be in their heavenly garb, but could be in rags sleeping in a ditch. (See Week 69: Costumes). God’s ways and methods are far beyond our scope of comprehension. We must have the faith to believe that our lives are not our own, but for God’s purpose. 

    So the next time you’re wandering around lost, or bothered by some annoying stranger, or victim of a bureaucratic mix-up, or sitting in an audience bored stiff—think:
                                               Am I strategically placed?

© 2017           See you next week on Paulette Talks Faith
 Scroll down to read older post.


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