Sunday, November 10, 2013

Devil You Went Too Far—Now I Have To Cut You!

Devil You Went Too FarNow I Have To Cut You!

         Horrific situations
         Terrifying reports
         Earth shattering news
         Unexplainable calamities


Sometimes when the devil shows up in your life; he will do little pesky annoying things that will cause you some kind of inconvenience, like hiding your car keys. Things of this nature are so subtle and ordinary that his hand can go unnoticed.

 BUT THEN! There are those times when the predicaments you face can be CATASTROPHIC. What should you do when ominous conditions make you feel like you are dragging the weight of the world down a dead end street? What should you do when the foolishness and craziness in and around you get so out of hand that you feel like a top; spinning out of control?

Simply tell the devil, “You Went Too Far—Now I Have To Cut You!”  
When I say cut him, I mean Cut him Down with the Word of God. The Word is our Sword, Ephesians 6:17. The devil can walk around roaring like a lion, but we have the Lion of Judah inside us, 1Peter 5:8.  So, sling the Sword, because the devil cannot stand up against the Word of God when Spoken, in FAITH, by a Believer. 

Many people who don’t know Christ will try to quiet the turmoil they face in life with drugs, alcohol, food, and other worldly means. But mature Christians, know to run to God and get in the SECRET PLACE, Psalm 91. Where no weapon formed against them shall prosper, Isaiah 54:17.

The Secret Place is where we should always dwell. But, there are times when we feel like we need to draw nearer to Him just to make it. When I sense His Presence in that special way, that is my interpretation of the Secret Place. The Garden of Gethsemane was Jesus’ Secret Place on “that” particular night.  To some people reading a special Scripture can take them there, to others it might be a song that they sing, etc. However you define it, or wherever you go, or whatever you do, in the Secret  Place, you will find the  Presence of God.  

How I Get to My Secret Place
The Secret Place for me, (when hell hounds are running loose) is to go on a shut-in fast. How long? As long as it takes. It usually takes about three days. I get all by myself. When I go there, it’s a signal to hell and its cohorts that I’m not playing around. I’m ready to run interference.  My friends and family know not to contact me unless there is a dire emergency. I won’t eat anything during this time. I advise you not to do that without consulting your doctor first. Television is off limits, and any other outside influences. God and I alone with just the bare necessities:  Bible, pen, and paper. I read, I pray, I listen, and then I write! This is when I get recharged with: HIS POWER, and HIS WISDOM.

Why in the world would the devil try to throw a Faith Believing Christian off the cliff? It only makes our walk with God STRONGER. The devil should know by now that we are ARMED. Greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world, 1John 4:4.  Not only are we ARMED, but we know exactly what to do with those ARMS when the devil comes after us.
We know to CUT him DOWN!!!!   © 2013

References:  Psalm 91      Isaiah 54:17     Ephesians 6:10-17     1 Peter 5:8

Traveling Under Concealed Orders: A School Almost Left Behind
Chapter 10 “Where is This Secret Place?” 

See you next week on Paulette Talks Faith

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