Sunday, November 17, 2013



·        I know what God told me to do, but…
·        I know my potential, but…
·        I’ll do it…one day when I…

FEAR is the devil’s glue to keep you STUCK from doing all the wonderful things God wants to do through you.

Caution: Procrastination is a byproduct of fear. It’s designed to deceive you into believing you’re doing “something” because of your good intentions. However, without substantial movement—you’re still STUCK! 

If being STUCK is a problem for you, imagine how powerfully effective you would be if fear couldn’t stop you? Imagine what would happen if you lived up to your full potential? If you can’t imagine that, the enemy sure can. That’s why he will do whatever it takes to scare you powerless, and keep you STUCK!

Beware, excuses will bind the glue even more! The devil will tell you things like: You’re too old to do that project, you don’t have enough money for that venture, or that’s a dumb stupid idea. Whatever illegal suggestion he can get you to believe, is the one he will use. If the devil can’t kill you, he’ll just keep you deadlocked and fruitless. Your immobility plays right into his hands.

FAITH is the antidote for the devil’s glue!  

Since God gave you gifts, talents, dreams, and desires for His glory, of course He wants you to use them. Go For It! As a matter of fact, I don’t think it’s an option to stay STUCK.

If you’ve made some not so wise choices in your life, it’s not too late. Extremely bad conditions are a perfect backdrop for God’s Power and Glory to Shine Through.  

Therefore, if you’re on a Dead End Street, turn around. That motionless path might seem comfortable, easy, and relaxed, but it’s a false sense of security. STUCK!

Ask God to straighten things out and put you on the right road. Submit and watch Him do something AMAZING. He is all POWERFUL. All you have to do is get in agreement with Him, and tap into His Power Source.

If you are not sure if you heard from God or not as to which way to go, then pay attention to your desires. Test them by saying, “God, if this is what you want me to do, open the doors of opportunity in that direction as I step out on faith. However, if this is not what you want me to do, please, please close the doors and lead me in the direction You want me to go.”

A closed door means to try a different door. It doesn’t mean: Don’t ever try another door again. That sounds like a person who is STUCK.

Remember, since God gave you gifts, talents, desires and ideas, He’s there with all His Power to back you up. God is faithful.  He wants you to trust Him and walk by faith. That’s true worship!

No one and nothing can stop you from going forward.

Well, that is no one, but you!   
                                            Are you STUCK?  © 2013

References: Jeremiah 29:11   Romans 8: 31   Romans 12:6   Ephesians 2:10
Finding Your Prescribed Life: Chapter 1 Discovering Your Purpose

See you next week on Paulette Talks Faith

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