Monday, March 17, 2014

Keep The Oven Door Shut!

Keep The Oven Door Shut!
                     Be alert and on guard; stand firm in your faithI Cor. 16:13 (Amp) 
• Preheat oven to 350° F
• Bake for 45 minutes
• Keep the oven door shut until Done!

       Any good cook will tell you that you can’t keep opening and closing the oven door and expect your recipe to come out just right. Every time you open the door, you let some of the heat out. You can either prolong the cooking process by doing that, or you could end up with a wet, doughy mess.

        We can apply this same principle spiritually. Let’s say the oven REPRESENTS God. The food inside the oven REPRESENTS what we’re believing God for; opening the oven door REPRESENTS worrying, and the heat inside the oven REPRESENTS our faith.  
                                     Door open—heat escapes!

        When we pray and cast our cares on God, we have to TRUST that He will work everything out. Either we TRUST Him, or we don’t.

  Our Problems Are Too Important to Worry About!  Huh?

       We have to have enough Faith in God to know, however, He chooses to work it out; it’s going to be for our good, Romans 8:28. I know that’s easier said than done. We like to nit-pick and put our thoughts on how it should be done. We Can’t Micromanage God! We have to TRUST Him, and LEAVE the SITUATION ALONE. The hands-off approach develops our faith.

          One day I was trying to figure a situation out, and God put in my spirit, Anything that I don’t tell you, is None of Your Business!”

         Usually when someone tells us that, we feel insulted. But, when God tells us, it’s none of our business, we should feel relieved. He’s Got It! When we try to figure things out, we get confused, and confusion is not of God, I Cor. 14:33.  Therefore, what should we do in the meantime, when we can’t even get a sniff that something is cooking?

1.     We should focus on the things that concern God, and He will take care of the things that concern us. Matthew 6:33 says, … seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

  2.   Walk in love. Being a blessing to someone is a good way to keep our
mind off the situation. The more we concentrate on the problem, the more likely the enemy has to manipulate our thoughts.

3.    When we catch ourselves worrying, we can call on Jesus, sing victory songs, quote Scriptures, or clean out a closet. Do whatever it takes to…

                                   Keep the Oven Door Shut!     
                          Remember:  The Heat Cooks the Food!!!
   © 2014
References:   Matthew 6:33   Romans 8:28      I Cor. 14:33

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                                  See you next week on Paulette Talks Faith

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