Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 70: THE Signature

                                         THE Signature
   A faithful witness will not lie, but a false witness breathes out falsehoods, Proverbs 14:5 (AMP).

• Sign on the dotted line. . .
• Sign by the “x”. . .
• Sign next to your name. . .

   Some things we can just look at, listen to, or taste, and know the person who’s behind it. No one else can do it the way they can. Their uniqueness can only be admired, but never duplicated. It could be baking a cake, ironing a shirt, designing a suit, painting a picture, etc. When they produce their craft, it’s bares their signature.
          When I pray, I often find myself asking God to not only answer my prayer, but to sign it. That’s my way of saying, I want His Glory to shine so brightly that no one can take credit for His Miracle Working Power. I want skeptics to undoubtedly know and PLAINLY see: God’s Signature on it.
        I know they might not accept Him as their Savior, but I have a problem when people sign their name to the works of God.  

If it upsets me, imagine how it displeases God. He will not share His Glory with anyone, (Isaiah 42:8). But, we who are in Christ, must allow God to use us as His mouthpiece. Whenever the miraculous happens, we have to let people know:
                       Uh, excuse me, but that was God!     
  © 2015            
                       See You Next Week on Paulette Talks Faith          

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